Sukkah Soul Blog


August 11 was Shabbat Mevarchin, ‘The Shabbat that blesses’ the upcoming month of Elul.

August 12

24 Av 5772

August 11 was Shabbat Mevarchin, ‘The Shabbat that blesses’ the upcoming month of Elul.


Between 1906 and 1910, Chagall lived and studied art in St. Petersberg. ‘Nor did I feel any elation when I left Witebsk for Petersberg.  I knew I had to leave.  I found it difficult to define exactly what I wanted.’ 

from ‘My Life’ by Chagall.


The momentum gathers in preparation for the Days of Awe and culminates at Sukkot when we are commanded to ‘be altogether happy.’  Deut. 16:15

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The Sabbath, Chagall, 1910