Sukkah Soul Blog


December 8 – 24 Kislev 5773 - First Night of Hanukkah - Happy Hanukkah!

‘This Tribe of Asher was settled in the North fertile Land of Israel.

The precious olive oil is the main motif here. The background color of the Window resembles the dark grey-green coloration of the olive tree.

There is a olive tree itself, at the right side, and a bird-like shaped oil vessel at the left bottom corner.


The Menora (seven-branched candelabrum, one of the most sacred objects in the Sanctuary) was fed by pure olive oil, and therefore it appears at the bottom of the window. A cup used to feed the menora with oil, is shown next to it from the right side.


The dove with an olive branch in her beak , the eternal symbol of peace, is shown at the top.’ – from Hadassah Medical Center website about the Chagall windows

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