Sukkah Soul Blog
November 6 - 21 Heshvan 5773 American Windows by Marc Chagall
American Windows by Marc Chagall
Chagall expresses the creative expansiveness made possible by American freedom and liberty with the images on the panels he infused with familiar American icons, references to Chicago, and symbols of the fine arts.
Chagall designed the America Windows expressly for the Art Institute of Chicago and created them in collaboration with the French stained-glass artist Charles Marq. Marq fabricated 36 colored glass panels to Chagall's specifications, and Chagall himself painted his design onto the glass using metallic oxide paints that were permanently fused to the glass through a subsequent heating process. The windows, measuring more than eight feet in height and more than 30 feet in width, are each made up of three parts, each with 12 separate sections. -from an article by Barbara Keer for Splash Magazines
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