Sukkah Soul Blog


September 18 - 2 Tishrei 5773 The Skirball Cultural Center will put up their Sukkah Soul sukkah

The beautiful campus is designed by the award-winning architect Moshe Safdie and is located at 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd.


Hailed by The New York Times as "a lesson on how to connect the eye to heart and mind," the Skirball Cultural Center has established itself as one of the world's most dynamic Jewish cultural institutions, and among the leading cultural venues in Los Angeles. Its mission is to explore the connections between four thousand years of Jewish heritage and the vitality of American democratic ideals. It seeks to welcome and inspire people of every ethnic and cultural identity in American life. Guided by our respective memories and experiences, together we aim to build a society in which all of us can feel at home. – from the Skirball Cultural Center’s website



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If you are in the LA area, please visit Skirball and the Sukkah Soul sukkah.