Sukkah Soul Blog


September 5 - 18 Elul 5772: Traditional spiritual preparations for the Days of Awe in Elul:

Traditional spiritual preparations for the Days of Awe in Elul:


In the Hasidic tradition, one devotes the last 12 days of the month of Elul to the review of one’s life and actions in the last 12 months.  Each day corresponds to one month from 18 Elul to 29 Elul.


3 weeks until you put up your Sukkah Soul sukkah after Yom Kippur.


The Beit Alpha synagogue mosaics were a chance discovery by settlers of the kibbutz digging for a drainage ditch.  The ancient synagogue was built in 517 CE and excavated by the Israeli archeologist Eleazar Sukenik beginning in 1929.  Starting in 300 CE, mosaics were the principle material used for decorative elements in synagogues in the Galilee and Judea.

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Beit Alpha synagogue mosaic of the zodiac, 517 CE