Kabbalah Triangle Pendant •  Jewish Art Pendant Series

Wear Your History

The Sefirot Triangle Pendant is in the pendant series based on Jewish art motifs and sources.  The Sukkah Soul pendants offer a connection to our past so we feel close to our history.

Inspired by ancient coins and seals, these pendants are worn by women and men for casual or dress attire.


The pendant is made of cast-bronze using the ancient lost-wax method and is a signed, limited edition of museum quality.


Light affects the polished bronze in various ways as shown by the photos.


Inspiration: The Kabbalah's Sefirot

Through the language of the Sefirot,  G*d is expressed in ten manifestations or emanations, as it were, like kindness, strength and beauty.  All of these manifestations have avenues of connection to one another.  We imagine these energies in triangles forming triads of relationships.

Pendant has 7 triangles corresponding to the 7 Sefirot: 

    Hesed                      Kindness

    Gevurah                   Strength

    Tiferet                       Beauty

    Netzah                      Triumph

    Hod                           Glory

    Yesod                        Foundation

    Indwelling Presence  Shekhinah

There are ten sefirot and the seven lower sefirot are more accessible than the three upper hidden within the deep mystery of G*dliness.


Lost-Wax Bronze Casting - an ancient process

These pendants are fine art bronze castings using the lost wax method.  The lost wax method of bronze casting was developed in the Ancient Near East in the late 4th millennium BCE, found then both in ancient Ur and Egypt.

This ancient process is used today to create fine art bronzes that embody the artist’s touch.  In the pieces, you can see the imprint of the artist’s hand molding clay and modeling wax.  It is a labor-intensive process, demonstrating fine craft with 5000 years of history utilized during the time of Abraham.


Kabbalah Triangle Pendant description

Signed, Limited Edition of Museum Quality

Pendant is cast bronze relief, highly polished

•  1-1/4 inch high, 1-3/8 inch wide, 3/16 inch thick

   weighs about 1 ounce

•  Approx. 25 inch leather with recycled 1/2-inch

   diameter glass bead

   Leather is round in shape and dark brown in color.

   Bead color varies within the bead and from bead to   


•  Necklace slips over your head.

Base Price: $295.00 $234.00 + 10.00 for shipping and handling UPS Ground. Contact us for air and international shipping.


Kabbalah Sefirot Triangles Pendant
Kabbalah Sefirot Triangles Pendant Kaballah's Sefirot diagram Thickness of pendants Kabbalah Sefirot Triangles Pendant Bead color varies within the bead and from bead to bead. Pendant with dark brown, round leather cord<br>Secured with bead Kabbalah Sefirot Triangles Pendant