Design Influences

The SukkahSoul sukkah is influenced by traditional texts and sources renewed with a delicate spiritual energy.

The form of this sukkah is inspired by three imaginative ideas that are interwoven during Sukkot: the Kabbalah’s Sefirot, the ushpizin or guests we welcome at Sukkot and specific Psalms read during the holiday. 

Through the language of the Sefirot,  G*d is expressed in ten manifestations or emanations, as it were, like kindness, strength and beauty.  All of these manifestations have avenues of connection to one another.  We imagine these energies in triangles forming triads of relationships.

Seven of these manifestations coordinate with the seven hakafot-circuits on the seventh day of Sukkot when the scrolls are carried around the bima.  Each circuit of the ark is honored with the reading of a Psalm related to a Sefirotic emanation. The seven manifestations are also paired with our patriarchs, who serve as ushpizin-guests.

Sitting in our sukkah, you can imagine that the triangular forms of the sukkah symbolize the Sefirot / the guests / the Psalms.  You may feel surrounded by the Sefirotic triads while you dine and study.

These ideas fill our minds and hearts with the rich imagery of our tradition.  We can imagine being part of these energies in this delightful sukkah.


The ideas about the Sefirot are found in traditional prayerbooks such as the Artscroll Siddur.



Sukkot is also transliterated as: Succot, Succos, Succoth and Sukkos.

Sukkot is also referred to as:
Feast of the Tabernacles
Feast of Booths
Feast of Ingathering

A sukkah is an outdoor garden structure sometimes transliterated as succah and sukka.



For I have said: The world shall be built with kindness.  Psalms 89:3


Yours is the arm with strength, show us the power of Your hand, raise high Your right hand.  Psalms 89:14


Grant truth to Jacob, kindness to Abraham. Michah 7:20


There is delight at Your right hand for triumph. Psalms 16:11


Hashem, our Lord, how mighty is Your Name throughout the earth; for it were fit that You place Your splendor above the heavens. Psalms 8:2


Hashem is righteous in all His ways; virtuous in all His deeds. Psalms 145:17

Indwelling Presence

In the merit of him who stood in the granary and was shown favor with fire.

Female Guests
Ushpizot—A 16th-century tradition includes seven female guests as well. They are Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Abigail, Hulda and Esther. Some traditions substitute Rachel, Rebecca and Leah for three of these guests.